Leaving you

Where is the tick of the clock; was it not there yesterday?
people came and went like ghosts; was it not a dream?
No it was reality
I constantly hear the whisper – “you are leaving this place,”
But how can I leave if I just got here?
What of the friendships and the love that grew in between?
All those plans now is the time to live them out
This moment I’ve dreamt of: heading out into the world
And I feel like I’m being thrown into the wilderness.
I hear that whisper again – “your ready,” but it’s the last thing I feel
And you – I’m not ready to leave you.
Like family you have embraced me, loved me
How can this be the last moment I spend with you
I never thought this place would mean the world to me
That roots planted would hurt to rip out
I never thought I would love you the way I do
I always knew this time would come
But time has pounced on me like a cheetah
As I go I play recorded memories in my head
Smiles and laughter captured at pointless jokes
Never wishing I wasn’t here
Rays of sunshine shone welcome
I will never forget how it lit up the room in an unforgettably different way
Although I leave I leave believing your worth
Hope overwhelms me to think of the great things you will do
As this chapter closes and a fresh page is turned for you and me
Know you are loved by a king and held in his sight as precious
Unique and treasured
Thankful I remain to you for the memories you planted
The seeds that sprouted are a large part of my life
You have been a part of all that has shaped me
And to you the best I wish, to those I already miss
Dare to dream, grab hold of risk
Live to desire passion
And let yourself be guided by the hand of God
And prove the impossible, possible


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