A Meaningful Place

I sit in my car behind the wheel
ad watch the sun appear,
as the clouds pass bu
the wind brushes the trees
and lifts the strands of my hair
then tickles my neck

The leaves are turning
red and orange.
I close my eyes 
and take a breath

Right then I am taken ten years back, 
   to when my seasons changed.

Down where cowboy hats are a thing, 
where horses and ranches spring,
it is there I was born;
in a little brown house, 
that's where my memories swarm

I had fun in my hometown.
The summer was filled with outdoor crowns;
swimming in pool, making a mess.
playing with mom and all of my dolls.

Though I never jumped in a leaf pile, it is no treason
Autumn was still always a wonderful season.

Jumping to winter i'll tell my sensation, 
I think was the best celebration
The warmth of the holiday and the love of my family...
I cannot deny the gifts made me happy.

Walking to school was always a challenge,
with big heavy boots and a giant blue jacket.

Outside of the season
there are more reasons
this place means more
and it is my galore:

Memories of family and
childish play -
I miss it so much
I long for those days.

When I loved Cinderella, Rapunzel and Belle;

When I dreamed of Prince Charming,
being swept off my feet
unable to tell, in all my innocence
the difference between

Like, Love, and TRUE LOVE.

I envy the girl i was then;
for six and a half years she knew not what she had.
She did not understand what this change would remove:
the bedtime stories that came as a song,
never again sung as often as then.

Would she speak with her family?

Only by pen...

She saw an adventure!
Not a tear was shed; instead excitement led.

Now here I sit, a lump in my throat.
How far i traveled to get here and stay.
The four corner family of five is so different to what it was then.
My hometown has changed; it's been flooded by waters and torn by winds;
it has been picked up and shaken by law and improvement - 

all because the seasons changed.

I sit in my car behind the wheel
and watch the sun disappear
as the clouds pass over.

I wish I could be six and
like Peter Pan


I love my life
and hold no regrets.

But what is in my heart
and in my mind
I want to come ALIVE

I want to just stand and let the snow fall,
walk into another world
as little Lucy did through a wardrobe,
to the world I lived in once



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